The New World wine producing regions are located on the southern hemisphere in Australia, New Zealand, South America (mainly Chile and Argentina) and South Africa. In countries such as Mexico, Uruguay and Brasil, wine markets are developping. On the northern hemisphere Canada and The United States belong to the new world wine producting countries.

In general, the climates are hotter than those of the European wine countries. The grapes tend to be riper and often have a higher concentration of sugar - hence a higher level of alcohol. The taste is often rather fruity, full-bodied and powerful. Wines are mainly the result of the hard work and passion of (flying) wine makers and the art of creating interesting blends. Sometimes these grapes come from different regions. As laws and regulations are less strict, the focus is more on marketing driven wines. Furthermore, there are many wineries that listen to the terroir, maybe even work organically, but they always aim to make surpising wines, with elegance and complexity.

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